Thursday, June 22, 2006

6/19-21/06 Since I Been Gone

Travel rocks. It also sucks. Especially when it's a meeting where you sit around and listen to people talk. A lot. And all you have to keep going is some combination of sugar fat and caffeine (sodas, coffee, cookies, etc.) At least at this hotel there was a relatively well-equipped fitness center.

That said, I absolutely did too little exercise and too much food. Travel is rapidly becoming of the worst things I can do in order to stay the course. However, I did manage to see part of Oprah (yes, Oprah) while I was gone. It was a weight-loss show where they had people who were great success stories. The takeaway message, other than "You can deal with this. Get past it. Work it out," was that it's not a diet or exercise product, but instead a decision. Her trainer said that anyone who answers the "Can/will you do this?" question with "I'll try" won't make it. Instead, the answer is not "I will," but some variation of "I've decided."

So awhile ago, I decided that this is what I was going to do. I decided that instead of being the blobular desk jockey typing away my life, I would be the model/pornstar fit desk jockey typing away my life. So I just have to keep reminding myself of this periodically.


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