Monday, August 07, 2006

Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight.

I've been relatively good at maintenance these past few weeks of blog inactivity, but that's not the point. Clearly, whatever I'm doing hasn't been enough, as I've hit a massive ass plateau. Not to mention, the whole accountability thing of posting here at least every other day. Sometimes we have to remember what it is we are trying to accomplish and why. Look better, feel better, wear better clothes. In principle, there's also a statistical correlation between looks and career success, and Lawd knows I need a better job.

So what have I done? Upgraded my regular jump rope to a weighted one, upgraded my fraying workout gloves to a pair with wrist bracing wrap-arounds (so I can lift more/longer), and I'm getting in the pool more often, now that it's been reopened. Cole says I should start eating salads more often, which is a good idea.


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