Thursday, July 06, 2006

7/2-4/06 Check In

Nothing like a good long holiday weekend to get all kinds of off track. It's all good, as long as you get back up, right? My exercising was minimal, although I did a full workout on the Fourth. My eating was standard for the occasion, i.e., too damn much, but really tasty. Unlike the birthday party, I didn't do anything to compensate. Oh well.

6/29-7/1/06 Check In

Been putting off posting this one, for no good reason. I did OK on all accounts, and have started incorporating my new fitness game at home to break up the routine a bit. It's pretty good for the cardio stuff.

The only "slip" was a planned trip to a birthday party out of town. Even though I took in more calories than recommended, I don't count it since (1) it was planned and (2) I did more exercise in an attempt to compensate.